Friday, March 13, 2009

Why Parents are Smetimes The Best .

Im a teen , im still learning . But this time , Im learning from my parents .
Im rebellious , no denial . But ill keep try to be good and innocent . Sigh . But I mean , its for my own good kannn ?
Anyways , this was wht happened .
I had a boyfriend , the name's Farhan Alushi bin Asmathuddin . The one in a million guys you can ever find . Reasons ? Ill list it down .
i . Freakingly Smart
- Scored 8 a's 2 b's and 1 c for his final exam in form 4 last year . C was EST .
ii . Debater
- A good debater , said by Mr. Jacobs . Eventhough he entered firstly cause I said I love debate .
iii . Super Caring
- Makes sure every tiny problem is solved
- Wanted sometime off for my exam week , but its hard to resist
- Told me to not lie to mama and papa , thts how we ended up cloze friends jer
iv . Good Looking
- no denial
v . Mertured
- Im like his 2nd girl , kay ryte now , was , sigh .
- Doesnt take advantage of me cause I dnt really encourage all this touching and stuff
vi . Not a smoker
vii . Does not use vulgar words
viii . A great dancer
x . People say im lucky to have him , i really felt that I was .
xi . Classy
- doesnt wear those old skinnies
- speaks english with accent
- not a shuffler ! haha .
- likes to ballroom dance
- doesnt ditch school or class .
xii . Complex
- he's got everything .
The one month and a day with him was really great . Thnks for sharing your love , care and time with me dear SuperHotNerd . But im afraid that we just have to be friends for now . I mean , we decided on that ryyyte ? Just for my own sake i guess , sigh . At least now I can spend time with you without worrying or lying . Anddd , my mum and dad can trust me , which will take at least months . It'll be really nice if you can wait for 2 years , eventhough you said its really long . But , my parents are doing this for my own good , takkan la they just wanna make me feel misrable for fun ryyyte ? haha . Well , as this is my blog , ima talk to myself . Well Eniza , Brighten up your life . Now , i gotta go for Prefect's camp , hwaaa ! hahaha .